Tutorial: Sunder V0.0 1Testnet

Sunder Finance
4 min readJun 12, 2021

As we’ve released some of the latest updates on the Sunder v0.01 Test-net, this tutorial will guide you through everything you need to know for a smooth experience. Let’s dive in!

In order to try out the current test-net please make sure you have claimed some Kovan ETH and test-net DAI before you start the following, claim Kovan testnet ETH on any of these faucets:
- https://faucet.kovan.network/

Note: If you do not have Kovan test-net DAI, you can do so via Sushiswap or Uniswap, and exchange Kovan ETH to testnet DAI here: https://app.sushi.com/swap?inputCurrency=0x4F96Fe3b7A6Cf9725f59d353F723c1bDb64CA6Aa&outputCurrency=0x164e8758Ab5E10800ab6eD8Cd42Eb121Dcb69969

Step1: Claim test-tokens

In order to start playing on the Sunder v0.01 Test-environment, you will have to claim some test-COMP and test-UNI, but do not worry, we cot you covered: Simply press the ‘Test Token’ button and your Metamask will automatically pop-up for claiming the needed governance tokens.
You will receive 100 tokens of each tokento experience the Test-net.

Step2: Select the amount to ‘Sunder’ and ‘Confirm’

Now, lets sunder some gov tokens! As you already claimed test- COMP and UNI, you are now ready to try out sundering any of both. Simply input the amount you would like to proceed with and you will start the process of minting both dTokens and eTokens for the desired gov. token.
You can always set ‘max’ and the interface will automatically suggest to sunder all the underlying tokens you have available in your wallet.

Confirm the dToken and eToken

Great, now that you are ready to sunder, you just need to confirm the transaction on the interface and Metamask, and you will have effectively minted your first batch of Isolated Tokens on the Sunder Protocol on the Kovan Network.

Step3: LP rewards

As for enjoying one of the utilities of isolated tokens, specifically talking about liquidity provision rewards, or LP Rewards, you will have to to provide liquidity on SushiSwap (also Kovan). Once deposited, the LP tokens you receive will need to be staked in the Sunder Interface in order to mine $SUNDER.

Since you don’t have Sushi LP token in your wallet, let’s go to the SushiSwap Pool to generate some:

You can find a direct link on the bottom of the LP-reward box that will direct you to the according SushiSwap pool. Now, go to the pair and select ‘Liquidity’.

  1. Confirm the token pair ‘DAI’ + ‘dCTT’

Note: If you do not have Kovan testnet DAI, please go to Sushiswap or Uniswap to exchange testnet ETH to testnet DAI. We’ve linked the needed URLs of the pools for you to swap kETH for testnet-DAI at the top of the article!

2. Confirm Adding Liquidity + Confirm Pool Token received in your wallet (SLP)

3. Deposit (Stake) the SLP tokens in the Sunder LP Rewards section

Confirm the desired amount of SLP you would like to stake:

Voila! You are now officially participating in the Sunder LP rewards program, mining SUNDER on Kovan-Testnet!

This is a sneak-peak into some of the updates integrated so far on the Sunder Testnet v0.01 and soon you will be able to interact with the Voting section (for dToknes) that mirrors proposals from underlying governance tokens in the Sunder Vault, as well as monitor the Yield-earning section where you can put your eTokens to work in order to start receiving returns sourced by the aggregator through different strategies adopted.
We hope you enjoy the Test-net and keep an eye on all the updates coming up, we will be sharing on the Sunder Official Discord!

About Sunder Protocol | Vision
The vision of Sunder Protocol is to allow any user to extract full value of governance tokens through Sunder Protocol. Participating in governance while earning yield to be simultaneously achievable, without excessive overhead cost spent on fees.

Governance Participation should not be an excluding factor for alternative utilities, left available to fewer large holders.

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